Young Journalist of the Year 2015/ 2016 Competition Prize Giving Ceremony
The official award ceremony for all the winners of the fifth annual Young Journalist Competition (YJC), organised by the British Council in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research will be held on Thursday 18 February 2016 from 10 a.m to 12 p.m at the MITD Lecture Theatre, MITD House, Phoenix.
To celebrate students’ achievements, Mr Tris Bartlett, Country Director of the British Council and the Minister of Education and Human Resources Tertiary Education and Scientific Research, Honourable Mrs Leela Devi Dookun Luchoomun will address the audience on this occasion. Prize-winners, rectors and English teachers of participating schools will also attend the ceremony.
The British Council’s aim through this competition is to encourage young people to write creatively in the contemporary English language. The competition asked young people to tell us in 750 words: ‘‘What makes Shakespeare so great?’’.
The 2015/16 Young Journalist competition was run as part of the British Council and British High Commission’s Shakespeare Lives Programme. We would be promoting the digital project, ‘Play Your Part’ and the ‘Shakespeare Photo Competition’ as part of the day’s celebration.
Mr Tris Bartlett says, ‘’The British Council was very impressed by the quality of entries in this year’s Young Journalist competition. It was very hard for the judging panel, which consisted of representatives from the Ministry of Education, The English Speaking Union and the British Council, to settle on the winners. Those 6 young people that have been selected as the zonal winners can be very proud of their exceptional essays. Their schools can be very proud of them too. The challenge for us all now is to build on their great work and find ways in which we can promote the English language more, as a language of creativity, poetry and global communication within this beautiful country.’’
The Young Journalist Competition encourages and supports young people and aspiring writers to:
● Think and write creatively in English
● Encourage them to explore the works of Shakespeare and his relevance today.
● Add an international dimension their education and help them to be global citizens.